AGM 2023
18th April 2023 6pm
University of Hertfordshire
Prince Edward Hall
This year, we are excited to welcome Nicola Rutt from Studio MULTI as our guest speaker and we are kindly being hosted by the architecture department at the University of Hertfordshire. There will be light refreshments provided.
Everyone is welcome, no need to book. We look forward to seeing you there.
Elected Positions
You might consider nominating yourself for one of the two key committee roles to be filled, that of Chair and Treasurer.
Should either position appeal, do send an email to Simon (Secretary) ( to express your interest with a little background.
Committee Participation
The committee meets about every six weeks. If you would like details of future meetings, dates are posted on the HAA website.
During covid, Zoom or Teams provided the opportunity to reach a wider audience, and we will continue to offer both in-person and Zoom hosting to help broaden participation.
Did you know?
All RIBA members are automatically members of the HAA!
The HAA was formed in 1929 and will therefore be celebrating its centenary in 6 years time.
What do we do?
We organise lectures with a range of guest speakers (Jim Heverin (Zaha Hadid), Jerry Tate, the late Chris Wilkinson (Wilkinson Eyre), Je Ahn (Studio Weave) and Jamie Fobert to name just a few of our recent guests).
The HAA awards programme celebrates some of the best completed projects in the county across a diverse mix of sectors.
Our annual dinner provides us with a chance to socialise and network together at a different venue each year.
Building tours are arranged to give members a chance to experience award winning projects first hand.
Get Involved
If you would like to join the committee, please email us at